Rudeboy Plays UDS

In 2022 Rudeboy and DJ DNA joined forces to bring the legacy of Urban Dance Squad back to life. The two original members of Urban Dance Squad formed a new band with Matthias van Beek on guitar, Axel van Oort on bass, Jochem van Rooyen on drums. They played several venues and festivals. Their chemistry and energy on stage is like watching UDS in the early days. Rudeboy Plays UDS (short: RPU) toured The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and Serbia, with gigs at festivals like Hellfest, Dynamo and EXIT.

Check Upcoming shows for tour dates.

Upcoming shows

With Rudeboy Plays Urban Dance Squad

29/06-2024Gebouw T, Bergen op Zoomtickets
05/07/2024Bolwerk Open Lucht, Kortrijk (B)tickets
20/07/2024A rocktown revival, 50 jaar Buze, Steenwijktickets
10/08/2024Nirwana Tuinfeest, Lieroptickets
17/08/2024Huntenpop, Ulfttickets
25/08/2024Sjwaampop, Swalmenfree
07/11/2024De Vorstin, Hilversum (support: Boskat)tickets
08/11/2024Bolwerk, Sneek (support: Boskat)tickets
09/11/2024‘t Beest, Goes (support: Boskat)tickets
14/11/2024Mezz, Bredatickets
15/11/2024Nieuwe Nor, Heerlentickets
16/11/2024Victorie, Alkmaartickets

With ‘De Niemanders’

19/07/2024Zwarte Cross, Lichtenvoorde tickets
07/09/2024Luxor Live, Arnhem. Nacht van de Niemandertickets
12/09/2024De Nobel, Leidentickets
20/09/2024Neushoorn. Leeuwardentickets
21/09/2024Ekko, Utrechttickets


Rudeboy on stage with De Niemanders

09/06/2024 – In 2019 and 2020, songwriters and musicians Rocco Ostermann and Wout Kemkens visited prisons in search of remarkable stories and talented musicians. It resulted in an album called De Niemanders, also the name of their project. In 2023 they went on a journey to asylum centers across the country together with producer Rick Wiegerinck, again as ’embedded musicians’, to search for stories and talent. It landed on a second album, De Niemanders II. Rudeboy is very honored to perform live with this impressive collective, see upcoming shows for dates and venues.

Health update

08/06/2024 – Rudeboy is recovering from a severe case of pneumonia that unfortunately made it inevitable to cancel some shows these last weeks. He is working hard to be in shape again to perform and will make his appearance on stage again at June 29th in Bergen op Zoom.

Live album out now!

16/04/2024 – We recorded our performance at Patronaat Haarlem in the fall of ’23 and put it on silver vinyl. It’s the first album with the Rudeboy Plays UDS-band, with Rudeboy as vocalist, DJ DNA on the turntables, Jochem van Rooijen on drums, Matthias van Beek on guitar (he also did the great artwork) and Axel van Oort on bass. Fun fact: you can hear some extra vocals of Jimi Hazel of 24-7 Spyz. Order your copy at Sounds Haarlem or buy one (and get it signed!) at our shows.

Rudeboy at Haarlem Vinyl Festival

These bruvs are dope

06/03/24 – Last weekend Rudeboy got together again with producer DOPA BEATZ and DJ DCS – their band called 555 – to work on an album. It was the second recording session, release planned second half of 2024. We keep you posted!

New track Boiler by Boskat features Rudeboy

12/01/2024 – Belgian two-man band Boskat plays energetic alternative rock that goes perfectly well with some old skool rap. Boskat released this collab with Rudeboy on the 11th of January 2024 and it’s already a streaming favorite. The release of their album Welcome to Planet Urmit is expected in March 2024. Watch the video below!

Contact & booking

For booking Rudeboy Plays Urban Dance Squad e-mail Ton.

For other questions (projects, collabs, press, et cetera) e-mail Rudeboy.

Follow Rudeboy Plays UDS on Facebook, Instagram to keep in touch!